Privacy Policy

Dear user,

We value your privacy and therefore this Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”) explains to you and describes what information we collect in our websites and what uses we make with the information, based on the website features.

The Privacy Policy applies to the manner that we, Acro Nadlan (the “Company,” “we,” “our” etc.) a leading real estate development company specializing in the construction of large-scale projects in demand areas and their betterment, use personally identifiable information (as defined in section 2) that we collect, receive and store about the users of our websites, including:

And the services offered in the said websites (each, with its content and services: “Website”).

In this Privacy Policy words which are in the masculine gender shall be deemed to include the feminine gender, and vice versa.

  1. Introduction. The Website is used, inter alia, as an advertising and marketing platform for the presentation of real estate projects, including the demonstration and the presentation of maps and models, as well as the presentation of the Company, related companies and business partners related to our ventures. In the following pages we will explain about the collection of the information and its use that are related to your use of the Website and, in addition, we will present important information regarding the rights and options you have in connection with your personally identifiable information.
  2. Personally identifiable information” is any information that might be used, whether solely or jointly with another information, for the purpose of personally identifying a person including, but not limited to, first and last name, IP address, email, telephone number and additional contact information.
  3. Consent and change of the Privacy Policy. You are not obligated to provide to us personally identifiable information, and any information that you provide to us, whether directly or indirectly, by using the website, will be provided subject to your consent and your approval. The use of the website constitutes your consent to the Privacy Policy and to the collection, processing and sharing of the personally identifiable information about you as stated therein. We shall be entitled to change the Privacy Policy at any time and the use of the website shall be subject to the condition in the website at the time of use. Therefore, you are required to be updated about the Privacy Policy from time to time prior to the performance of actions in the website. For the avoidance of doubt, the continuation of your use in the services after the update of the policy means that you accept and agree to the updated policy.
  4. Type of information collected and the manner of its collection. The manner that we collect and keep information depends on the manner that you will use the website and the services. We receive and/or collect personally identifiable information from you in the following manners:
    • As part of the registration, in order to continue with the “contact” process for the purpose of receiving information about projects that are offered and additional information from a representative, you will be required to provide certain information such as your full name, telephone number and email. To the extent that you request to use this service, you undertake to provide correct and updated information only in your name.
    • At the time of contacting our representative, whether over the phone, a meeting, correspondences of any kind or by the chat in the website (to the extent relevant), information about you will be received and delivered and might include your details, your contact information, apartments or types of projects in which you expressed interest or that might suit you, as well as the content of the correspondence of the conversation.
    • Log files. We might use log files. The information in the log files includes IP addresses, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), date/time stamp, redirect/exit pages, pages clicked and any other information that your browser might send us. We might use such information for the purpose of analyzing trends, managing the services, monitor the traffic of the users within the framework of the services and collect demographic information.
    • Cookies and other tracking technologies. Our services might include the use of “cookies,” anonymous identification files and similar technologies for information security purposes, so that we can provide our services in the website in a proper manner, present to you personally customized information and improve your user experience when you use the website and the services. A “cookie” is a small text file that can be used, for example, for the purpose of collecting information regarding the use of the services. Certain cookie files and other technologies can be used for the purpose of retrieving personally identifiable information, such as IP address that a user used in the past. The majority of browsers allow you to control the cookie files, including the option whether or not to accept or remove them. You can set your browser to alert you when you receive a cookie file, or select to block cookie files by your browser.
    • Google Analytics. The website might use a tool known by the name of “Google Analytics” for the purpose of collecting information about the use of the service. Google Analytics collects information such as the frequency users use the service, the webpages that the users visit when using the service and information regarding other websites users visited before they reached the service. We use the information that we receive from Google Analytics for the purpose of storing and improving the service and our products. We do not integrate the information that was collected by using Google Analytics with information that enables personal identification. The ability of Google to use and share the information that was collected by Google Analytics about your use of the services is as stated in the Google Analytics terms of use in the following address: and by the Google Privacy Policy, that is available in the following link: You can learn about the manner that Google collects and processes data specifically in connection with Google Analytics in the address You may opt out from Google Analytics tracking by downloading and installing a browser add-on that will cancel the use of Google Analytics, available in the following link In addition, the Company collects data and performs statistical analysis regarding the use of the website by itself or by other companies, including companies that help us to provide the chat and the support services. These companies collect and analyze information regarding the scope of the use of the website, the frequency of its use, the sources of access of users to the website, their interests, preferences etc. The information that is collected is basically statistical and is intended for analytics, research, development and control purposes, and the Company is entitled to use it, and in this regard forward it to a third party, at its sole discretion. The Company might use similar or additional analytical tools from time to time.
    • Social media and external websites. In addition, from time to time we perform advertising campaigns and post pages in social media and in external websites. This Privacy Policy shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to the extent that you provide in these websites or networks information or contact us.
    • Cooperation with marketers and intermediaries. To the extent that you provide to a third-party website or to a marketer information for the purpose of forwarding it to us or in connection with our projects, we will use this information subject to the law and this Privacy Policy.
  5. How we use personally identifiable information that is collected. We might use personally identifiable information that we collected in the manner as stated above in the following manners:
    • For the purpose of contacting you or setting up a meeting with you (including by email and telephone number), after you provided your information as said, or after you used the chat with our representative, for the purpose of answering your query, providing you additional information regarding the sales, projects that might interest you and our services.
    • For the purpose of customizing for you ads, offers or displaying to you advertisements based on your interests or pages in which you showed interest, including by presenting them in social media, websites etc.
    • We may send you by email, SMS and WhatsApp advertisements, including marketing ads that, in our opinion, might interest you, and that are related to the services in which you expressed interest, in accordance with applicable law.
    • For the purpose of providing you optimal service and improving the website use and operation experience.
    • For the purpose of handling your requests, for documentation and control purposes and answering queries.
    • For the purpose of complying with the provisions of the law and regulation.
    • For legal purposes and for defense in different proceedings.
    • For the purpose of operating the website, security, fraud prevention and prevention of improper/illegal use of the website.
  6. Manner of sharing the personally identifiable information. We might share personally identifiable information:
    • After obtaining your consent.
    • With related companies and service providers on our behalf, so that they can assist us in processing the personally identifiable information and in the performance of the services (for example, when we use assistance from a third party for the purpose of handling your query, contacting you, operating the website and storing information). Such information as said might also be forwarded to providers in other countries, including in the United States.
    • We my share personally identifiable information if we believe, in good faith, that access, use, storage or disclosure of the information are reasonably required for the purpose of: (1) observing any applicable law, regulation, legal proceeding or a request for enforcement made by the government; (2) enforcing the conditions for the use of the website; (3) identifying, preventing or handling cases of fraud, security or technical problems; (4) defending against violation of rights, property or the safety of the Company or anyone acting on its behalf, users or the public.
  7. Use of anonymous information. We might use anonymous information (that does not enable the identification of an individual user, such as cumulative statistical information regarding the use of our services) or disclose such information to third party service providers for the purpose of improving our services and improving your experience of the services. “Anonymous information” means information that does not allow the identification of an individual user, such as cumulative information of the use of the services.
  8. Removal. You may decide that you do not want to receive from us advertising emails or other email communications regarding the services, for example, by clicking the remove link from the distribution list and as required by law. For your information, even if you decide not to receive from us advertising emails, we may send service and/or operational messages, including a response to “contact” requests, requests for support in connection with bugs or content that are displayed and/or that are available in the website.
  9. Links to third party products. The services might allow you to create an interaction with or include links to your third-party account and the other third-party websites, mobile software applications and services that we do not own or control, such as Facebook, Instagram etc. (each of the said: “Third-Party Service”). We shall not be held liable for the privacy procedures or the content of such Third-Party Service as said. Please note that the Third-Party Services might collect personally identifiable information about you. Accordingly, we recommend that you read the terms, limitations, and the privacy policy of each Third-Party Service that you decide to use or communicate.
  10. Privacy of children. In general, the website and its content are not intended for the use of minors under 18 years of age. In any event, to the extent that you are a minor aged 13-18, you are required to obtain the consent of your legal guardian before using the website, and your use of the website means that you are 18 years of age or older or that you obtained such consent.
  11. Protecting your privacy and rights. We are obligated to protect your privacy. Privacy protection is a developing area, and we invest extensive resources for the purpose of complying with privacy protection and information security requirements. It is important for us that you know that the Protection of Privacy Law 5741-1981 and other regulatory provisions grant important rights to the data subject. Thus, for example, the right to inspect personally identifiable information that is collected about a data subject, and the right to request that incorrect or outdated information that was kept about a data subject will be amended and/or updated accordingly. We invite you to contact us by the address provided below in any question with relation to the Privacy Policy and in any reasonable request and we will try to answer it at the earliest opportunity.
  12. Security. We invest resources and effort to protect the information security in the Company in general and in the website in particular. We act according to customary standards including the use of organizational, physical, and technical safety measures, for the purpose of protecting the personally identifiable information stored in our systems. Nevertheless, no online media and even electronic media are 100% foolproof. Therefore, even though we aspire to implement all measures that are required for the purpose of protecting your personally identifiable information, we cannot protect its security or confidentiality in an absolute manner.
  13. Merger, sale, or insolvency. In the event we are acquired or merged with a third party entity, or in the event of insolvency or a similar event, we reserve the right to transfer or assign personally identifiable information in connection with such events as said.

Last updated: November, 2023.

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